School Of Allied Medical Sciences Nagasaki University | 論文
- ジンバブエ国における流行期のマラリア発生数に及ぼす気象因子
- 熱帯病情報ネットワークの構築とその応用 研究集会報告 9 保健指標の地理情報システムの一例 -WebGISによる視覚化-
- 寄生虫疾患の環境における流行要因研究集会報告 6 文化・人間行動と環境と感染症流行
- Effects of Corticosteroid on Muscle Fibers and Intramuscular Connective Tissues in Mice
- Epidemiological and clinical studies of West syndrome in Nagasaki
- Developmental Assessment-Based Surgical Intervention for Intractable Epilepsies in Infants and Young Children
- A case of achondroplasia with severe respiratory failure, profound developmental delay and hypercreatine phosphokinasemia
- Quantitative EEG Analyses and Surgical Outcome After Corpus Callosotomy
- Posture-related modulations of human soleus and FCR H-reflex
- 新興・再興感染症を取り巻く研究の現状
- The calming effect of a maternal breast milk odor on the human newborn infant
- Comparison of Features in the Evaluation of Symptomatology and Social Adjustment between Mothers and Other Family Members of Schizophrenic Patients in Japan
- Semiquantitative Measurement of Acetylcholine Receptor at the Motor End-plate in Myasthenia Gravis
- 長崎県妊婦におけるサイトメガロウイルス感染の血清疫学的調査
- Behavior of Human Neonates
- Miller syndrome with novel dihydroorotate dehydrogenase gene mutations
- 1E2:Neural mechanisms of decreased H-reflex during static muscle stretching
- 118 Patterns of muscle activation in human hopping
- A type of familial cleft of the soft palate maps to 2p24.2–p24.1 or 2p21–p12
- Japanese map of the earwax gene frequency : a nationwide collaborative study by Super Science High School Consortium