Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences Kyoto University | 論文
- Classification of normal quartic surfaces with irrational singularities
- How to Solve the Covariant Operator Formalism of Gauge Theories and Quantum Gravity in the Heisenberg Picture. I : Quantum Electrodynamics : Particles and Fields
- Wightman Functions in Covariant Operator Formalism of Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity. II Composite Fields : Particles and Fields
- Gauge Theory Based on Quadratic Lie Algebras and 2D Gravity with Dynamical Torsion : Particles and Fields
- Cerebral concentrations of myo-inositol in rats with induced brain death
- Electrolyte analysis in pleural effusion as an indicator of the drowning medium
- Indefinite-Metric Quantum Field Theory of General Relativity. XII : Extended Superalgebra and Its Spontaneous Breakdown
- Function Dynamics
- BRS Transformation as a Nonlinear Realization of the BRS Algebra and Its Extended One : Particles and Fields
- New Diagrammatic Method for Quantum Field Theory in the Heisenberg Picture. II : Various Models : Particles and Fields
- How to Solve the Operator Formalism of Quantum Einstein Gravity without Using C-Number Background Metric : Particles and Fields
- On the Diameter of Compact Homogeneous Riemannian Manifolds
- Horizontal divisors on arithmetic surfaces associated with Belyi uniformizations(Algebraic Number Theory : Recent Developments and Their Backgrounds)
- Base Point Free Theorem of Reid-Fukuda Type
- 動く球や円柱が引き起こす流体粒子の軌道(解析・予測・制御 流体数理(3),一般講演)
- 発見者の名誉
- 応用解析等教科書の個人的な概観(定評ある教科書・古典的書籍)
- 計算機実験と数学 : 変わり者の独り言
- Blow-up problems modeled from the strain-vorticity dynamics (Tosio Kato's Method and Principle for Evolution Equations in Mathematical Physics)
- 菱形Navier-Stokes流の解の分岐と非粘性極限 (臨界現象と微分方程式の解の分岐)