Research Institute For Scientific Measurements | 論文
- Electronmicroscopic Observation of Print-Out Effect on AgBr Microcrystals
- 31a-YL-7 Exciton Luminescence and Dynamics in Heavily Doped GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Wells
- Measurement of the Dielectric Relaxation of Ferroelectric Substances by Lumped-Capacitor Time-Domain Spectroscopy
- Study on the Phase Transition of Ammonium Nitrate by Dielectric Observation and by Differential Thermal Analysis
- Observations of an Ordered Array of Defect Clusters in Lithium Fluoride Irradiated with 100 keV Electrons
- Elastic Properties of CeCu_6 at Low Temperatures : II. LOW TEMPERATURE PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS : Heavy Electrons : Experiments
- Direct Observation of Crystal Imperfections Introduced by Weak Electron Irradiation in Water-Etched KCI Single Crystal
- Formation of Bromine Bubbles via a Planar State during Examinations of KBr with an Electron Microscope
- Measurement of the Dielectric Relaxation of Liquids by Lumped-Capacitor Time-Domain Spectroscopy
- Dielectric Anomalies in Zinc Sulfide and Cadmium Sulfide Excited by Light
- Estimation of Experimental Error in Lumped-Capacitor Time-Domain Spectroscopy
- Time Domain Analyses for Various Types of Dielectric Relaxations by a Lumped Capacitor Method
- Method of Measuring the Dielectric Constant of Solid Having Arbitrary Forms and Its Application to Sodium Chloride
- Ferromagnetic Resonance Absorption in a Pyrrhotite Single Crystal
- Acoustic de Haas-van Alphen effect : Chapter 5. Observation of Fermi Surface : 5-2. Experiments on Fermi Surface of f-Electron Systems
- Comparative Observations of the Microseconds Pulsed Discharges in Helium Gas Including Residual : Impurities in a Short Tube with Two Wire-electrodes
- Plasmon Damping in Be, Mg, Al, Si, Ge and Sn
- Plasmon Damping in In, Cd and Graphite
- Ultrasonic Investigation on the 4f-Electronic State of Rare Earth Hexaborides(Abstracts of Doctral Dissertations)
- Successive Electronmicroscopic Observation of Coloured and Bleached KCl Crystal