Research Institute For Humanity And Nature | 論文
- Segmentation and Classification with Discriminant Analysis of QuickBird Multispectral and Panchromatic Data to Distinguish Cryptomeria japonica and Chamaecyparis obtusa Patches(Multipurpose Forest Management)
- Degradation and loss of forest land and land-use changes in Sarawak, East Malaysia : a study of native land use by the Iban
- Distribution patterns of five mammals in the Jomon period, middle Edo period, and the present, in the Japanese Archipelago
- Mass variation in outcome to high production activity in Kamojang Geothermal Field, Indonesia : A reservoir monitoring with relative and absolute gravimetry
- The effects of socioeconomic globalization on health and aging in highlanders compared to lowlanders in Yunnan, China, and Kochi, Japan
- Comparative phylogeography of four component species of deciduous broad-leaved forests in Japan based on chloroplast DNA variation
- Environment-KHV-carp-human linkage as a model for environmental diseases
- Water Study for Peace : What I Learned from Professor Iwao Kobori in China, Tunisia, Egypt, and Algeria (2005-2010)
- Self-rated happiness is associated with functional ability, mood, quality of life and income, but not with medical condition in community-dwelling elderly in Japan
- Change of Human Subsistence in the Sahara Oasis : Water Supply, Farm Expansion and Habitation Movements through a Case Study of In Belbel Oasis in Algerian Sahara
- Health and Demographic Surveillance System in the Western and Coastal Areas of Kenya : An Infrastructure for Epidemiologic Studies in Africa
- Soil nitrogen dynamics during stand development after clear-cutting of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) plantations
- Environmental disease : environmental alteration and infectious disease
- Genetic diversity in Vietnamese melon landraces revealed by the analyses of morphological traits and nuclear and cytoplasmic molecular markers
- Dissolved oxygen concentration in river sediment of the Lake Biwa tributaries, Japan
- Effect of forest shape on habitat selection of birds in a plantation-dominant landscape across seasons : comparison between continuous and strip forests
- Root System Development of Prosopis Seedlings under Different Soil Moisture Conditions
- Mesquite (Prosopis spp.) Water Uptake under Different Simulated Drought Conditions
- Surveillance of fish species composition using environmental DNA