Research Institute For Humanity And Nature | 論文
- To Combat a Negative Heritage of Combating Desertification : Developing Comprehensive Measures to Control the Alien Invasive Species Mesquite (Propopis juliflora) in Sudan
- Changing property regimes in the aquatic environments of the Lower Mekong Basin in Southern Laos and Northern Thailand
- 太平洋と他の海洋の開閉事件に関連した北太平洋地域新生代の貝類化石群集と古気候変動:レビューと今後の展望
- Population structural analysis of an in-situ conservation site for wild rice in Laos
- Indigenous Climate Information and Modern Meteorological Records in Sinazongwe District, Southern Province, Zambia
- Phylogeography of Human T-lymphotropic Virus Type 1 (HTLV-1) Lineages Endemic to Japan
- シンポジウム「震災時の非常用水源としての地下水利用の在り方」
- Population structural analysis of an in-situ conservation site for wild rice in Laos
- Diversification and genetic differentiation of cultivated melon inferred from sequence polymorphism in the chloroplast genome
- Phylogeography of Human T-lymphotropic Virus Type 1 (HTLV-1) Lineages Endemic to Japan
- Development of new assessment methods for Acropora coral recruitment using coral settlement devices and holes of marine block