Rcnp Osaka Univ. | 論文
- 28p-P Quark Nuclear Physics
- 6a-G-11 Table of Relativistic EOS and its astrophysical applications
- 24pZH-1 低エネルギー領域におけるK-matrixの方法を用いた陽子コンプトン散乱の研究(ハドロン相互作用・核物質,理論核物理領域)
- 21aYE-6 相対論的平均場理論におけるサブ魔法数の研究(21aYE 核構造,理論核物理領域)
- Pre-Equilibrium Deexcitation Process for ^Dy(α,xn γ) Reaction and Angular Momentum Transfers
- 13pSB-4 Relativistic Description of Di-neutron Spatial Correlations
- 21aSA-7 The I^G J^=1^-1^ Tetraquark States
- 24pZH-7 The Masses of Bottom Baryons in the QCD Sum Rule
- Light Scalar Mesons in the QCD Sum Rule(Tetraquarks and related topics, Exotic hadrons, New Frontiers in QCD-Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-)
- 22pYE-6 The Masses of Bottom Baryons in the QCD Sum Rule
- 20pSC-2 Exotic Tetraquark ud^^^- of J^P=0^+ in the QCD Sum Rule
- Relativistic Chiral Mean Field Model for Finite Nuclei(Nuclear Physics)
- 21pSA-7 Extended relativistic chiral mean field model for nuclear matter
- One-loop corrections as origin of spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in the massless chiral sigma model(Hadrons at finite density)
- Chiral Sigma Model with Pion Mean Field in Finite Nuclei
- 27a-GE-10 Preequilibrium Process Studied by Using Particle-Gamma Coincidence Measurement
- 28p-MB-7 Spin Alignment of the Ground State Rotational Levels Excited by Pre-equilibrium and Equilibrium (α, Xnγ) Reactions
- 28p-MB-5 Preequilibrium and equilibrium deexcitation processes in (^N, xnypγ) reactions on rare-earth nuclei
- 28-p-MB3 Energy Spectra and Angular Distributions of Light Praticles from the 109 MeV α-induced Reaction