Radio Science center for Space and Atmosphere, Kyoto University | 論文
- Propagation Characteristics of ELF / VLF Electromagnetic Waves in the Martian Ionosphere and the Possibility for Detection of Martian Atmospherics by NOZOMI Observations
- On a Possibility to Decrease Magnetic Intensity in Microwave/DC Cyclotron Wave Converter(Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves)
- A New Microwave Input Amplifier with High Self-Protection and Rapid Recovery
- Analysis of DC Electric Fields Observed by SS-520-2 Sounding Rocket in the Polar Region, Vol.J86-B,No.2, pp.236-244
- Time-Height Distribution of Water Vapor Derived by Moving Cell Tomography During Tsukuba GPS Campaigns (3.Application of GPS Data to Atmospheric Science)
- Ozonesonde Observations in the Equatorial Eastern Pacific : the Shoyo-Maru Survey
- Development of a Transportable 3-GHz Wind Profiler for Wind and Precipitation Studies
- A Driving Test of a Small DC Motor with Rectenna Array
- Atmospheric quasi-14 month fluctuation and excitation of the Chandler wobble
- Fog observations with a millimeter-wave scanning radar at Miyoshi basin, Japan
- Development of a 5.3-GHz Klystron for a Pulsed Doppler Radar
- Vertical Wave Number Spectrum of Temperature Fluctuations in the Stratosphere using GPS Occultation Data
- B302 Convections Correlated with Intraseasonal Variations over Sumatera, Indonesia Observed with the EAR
- A two-channel Fabry-Perot interferometer with thermoelectric-cooled CCD detectors for neutral wind measurement in the upper atmosphere
- Improvement of Spurious Noises Generated from Magnetrons Driven by DC Power Supply after Turning off Filament Current(Special Issue on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology)
- Solar Power Station/Satellite (SPS) with Phase Controlled Magnetrons(Special Issue on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology)
- Down-Sizing of Rectification Circuit for the Microwave PowerTransmission (IEICE Trans., Vol. J86-B, No.5 in Japanese)
- Experimental Study on Oscillation Characteristics of Magnetron after Turning off Filament Current
- Microwave Energy Transmission Experiments and Study of Rectenna
- A new technique for mapping of total electron content using GPS network in Japan