Radio Atmospheric Science Center Kyoto University | 論文
- A Preliminary Report on Radiosonde Observations of the Equatorial Atmosphere Dynamics over Indonesia
- C301 HARIMAU2006期間中に西スマトラで観測された対流システムに伴う突風現象(熱帯大気,一般口頭発表)
- Application of GPS Radio Occultation Data for Studies of Atmospheric Waves in the Middle Atmosphere and Ionosphere (2.Space-Borne GPS Meteorology and Related Techniques)
- 自由形状鏡によるオーダーメイドの反射
- Correlations of AKR index with Kp and Dst indices
- Seasonal and QBO-related Variations in Gravity Wave Activities Observed with Radiosondes at Bandung, Indonesia
- Size Distribution of Aerosol Produced from p-Dichlorobenzene by Ultraviolet Radiation
- 透明マントも実現する!? メタマテリアルを用いて光の空間を曲げる
- 25aHB-11 2次元金属カゴメ格子におけるテラヘルツ磁気プラズモンII(25aHB 領域5,領域1合同フォトニック結晶,領域5(光物性))
- Studies of middle atmosphere dynamics under the Polar Patrol Balloon (PPB) project: Present status and future plans
- Studies of the Polar Middle and Lower Atmosphere by an MST Radar on Svalbard
- Automatic Waveform Selection method for Electrostatic Solitary Waves
- Characteristics of Mean Winds and Semidiurnal Tides in the Lower Thermosphere Observed with the Kyoto Meteor Radar and the Irkutsk Low Frequency Spaced-Receiver Facility
- Theoretical Study on Optical-Pumping Self-Focusing
- Temporal Changes in Size Distributuon of Laser-Produced CsH Particles
- Laboratory experiment on field-aligned current system
- MU-Radar Recorded Field-Aligned Irregularities in the F_2 Region and Associated Sporadic-E Disturbances
- 23pTN-4 結合分割リング共振器を用いた第二次高調波の高効率発生(23pTN 領域5,領域1合同 フォトニック結晶,領域5(光物性))
- 23pTN-4 結合分割リング共振器を用いた第二次高調波の高効率発生(23pTN 領域5,領域1合同 フォトニック結晶,領域1(原子・分子,量子エレクトロニクス,放射線物理))
- 23pTN-3 電場勾配により誘起されるメタマテリアルの透明化現象を利用した群遅延の可変制御(23pTN 領域5,領域1合同 フォトニック結晶,領域1(原子・分子,量子エレクトロニクス,放射線物理))