Radiat. Biol. Center Kyoto Univ. | 論文
- Binding Properties of Xenopus(6-4)photolyase.
- Xenopus (6-4)photolyase is a Flavoprotein and repair (6-4)photoproduct to its undamaged original form.
- Isolation and characterization of Xenopus (6-4)photolyase.
- Isolation and characterization of Human photolyase homolog.
- Recovery from UV-induced depression of ribosomal RNA synthesis in Cockayne syndrome and CHO cells
- Analysis of transcriptional regulation of human O^6-Methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase gene by gel shift assay
- Somatic and Germinal Mutations of Tumor-Suppressor Genes in the Development of Cancer
- 12 Spectrum of mutations at the mouse Hprt locus induced by ionizing radiation in cells of radioadaptive response(Low dose and low dose-rate effects, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Cytogenetical Dose Estimation for 3 Severely Exposed Patients in the JCO Criticality Accident in Tokai-mura
- Induction of DNA Synthesis and Apoptosis after Low-Dose Radiation in Quiescent Mouse Cell Line
- Molecular Characterization of γ-Ray-Induced 6-Thioguanine-Resistant Mutants of Ataxia-Telangiectasia Cells.
- Loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 16 in APRT-deficient human lymphoblastoid cells.
- F-value as a Chromosomal Fingerprint of the Quality of Radiation
- Cytogenetic Biomonitoring of Human Radiation Exposures:Possibilities, Problems and Pitfalls
- Trans-regulated Silencing and Reactivation of TP53 Tumor Suppressor Gene in Malignant Transformation and Its Reversion
- Generalized Concept of the LET-RBE Relationship of Radiation-induced Chromosome Aberration and Cell Death
- Effects of X-ray Irradiation on Genomic DNA Methylation Levels in Mouse Tissues
- Isolation of UV resistant cells from Cockayne syndrome group A cell line by introduction of human expression CDNA library.
- Analysis of transcriptional regulation of human O^6-methylguanin-DNA methyltransferase(MGMT) by gel shift assay
- Two Cases of Hermaphroditism in the Sea Urchins, Clypeaster japonicus and Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus