RIKEN Yokohama Institute | 論文
- Expression and Ca^ Dependency of Plasma Membrane K^+ Channels of Tobacco Suspension Cells Adapted to Salt Stress
- 分泌タンパク質への植物特異的O-結合型糖鎖付加
- 高等植物の形態形成メカニズムの解明を目指して
- ゴルジ装置とその機能 (植物の形づくり--遺伝子からみた分子メカニズム) -- (植物形態とオルガネラ形成)
- 液胞--リソソーム機能をもつ植物の巨大オルガネラ (特集 リソソームへ!)
- COP(I)とCOP(II)被覆小胞の形成機構--コートのアセンブリーが小胞をつくる
- A Solid-state ^O NMR Study of β-Glycine : High Sensitivity of ^O NMR Parameters to Hydrogen-bonding Interactions
- 1S16 植物分泌系でのタンパク質の仕分け・修飾と異種タンパク質発現
- 植物分泌系でのタンパク質の仕分けと修飾の機構
- 3-Methyladenine Inhibits Autophagy in Tobacco Culture Cells under Sucrose Starvation Conditions
- 76 Analysis of Recql4 helicase deficient mice(Radiation sensitivities in cells & tissues, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Unique Composition of Polycomb Repressive Complex 1 in Hematopoietic Stem Cells
- Identification of the Region Responsible for Fibril Formation in the CAD Domain of Caspase-Activated DNase
- Solid-state ^O NMR in Biological Solids : Efficient ^O Labeling of Amino Acids and Peptides
- 1P513 Solid-State ^O NMR of Biological Molecules(25. New methods and tools (I),Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- Comprehensive Analysis of Glucan Elicitor-Regulated Gene Expression in Tobacco BY-2 Cells Reveals a Novel MYB Transcription Factor Involved in the Regulation of Phenylpropanoid Metabolism
- Proline and Glycinebetaine Ameliorated NaCl Stress via Scavenging of Hydrogen Peroxide and Methylglyoxal but Not Superoxide or Nitric Oxide in Tobacco Cultured Cells
- NMR Analysis of the Mg^-Binding Properties of Aequorin, a Ca^-Binding Photoprotein
- Cancer research with non-coding RNA