RCNP Osaka University | 論文
- Low Energy Excitations in the Mixed State of the Anisotropic s-Wave Superconductor CeRu_2(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Sm-Sb Bond Length in Mixed-Valence System of SmOs_4Sb_(Condensed matter: structure and mechanical and thermal properties)
- W-3-5 ^Ni Measurement by Liquid Scintillation Method(New Dose Calculation System of A-bomb Dosimetry 2002 (DS02), Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- A Method to Estimate the Fast-Neutron Fluence for the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb
- Double Beta Decays of ^Cd
- Chemical Separation for 63Ni Measurement
- 5a-E-5 (p, n)準弾性散乱の偏極分解能測定
- 3a-E-2 大型2次元高効率中性子偏極度計の300MeVにおける較正
- Microcystin-LR is not Mutagenic in vivo in the λ/lacZ Transgenic Mouse (Muta^ Mouse)
- 73Ge NQR study of superconducting skutterudites MPt4Ge12 (M = Sr, Ba) (Proceedings of the International Conference on Heavy Electrons 2010 (ICHE2010))
- Measurement of residual radioactivity ^Co and ^Ni for the evaluation of atomic-bomb neutron (II)
- Measurement of residual radioactivity ^Co and ^Ni for the evaluation of atomic - bomb neutrons
- Nonequlibrium Light Particle Emission in the 140 MeV^3He and 110 MeV^4He Induced Reactions
- Residual ^Eu and ^Co activities in Nagasaki
- Separable representations of meson theoretical potentials and their application to the three nucleon system
- 26aGM-8 (d,^3He)反応を用いたπ中間子原子の精密分光(4) : 4×10^/s重陽子ビームを用いたパイロット実験(26aGM 実験核物理領域,理論核物理領域合同 ハドロン構造・中間子生成(合同),実験核物理領域)
- 26aGK-10 超許容フェルミ遷移型荷電交換反応^Zr(^C,^B)によるアイソベクトル型単極遷移の研究(26aGK 宇宙核物理・軽イオン,実験核物理領域)
- 29a-MB-1 Particle-Particle Correlations in the Reaction of ^N+^Nb at E_=210 MeV
- 16pSG-7 (d,^3He)反応を用いたπ中間子原子の精密分光(5) : 4×10^/s重陽子ビームを用いたパイロット実験2(16pSG 実験核物理領域,理論核物理領域合同,中間子生成・ハドロン構造(合同),実験核物理領域)
- 19aSK-5 300MeV/uにおける^Pb,^Zr(t,^3He)反応測定を通した荷電ベクトル型スピン単極巨大共鳴の研究(19aSK 軽イオン核反応・宇宙核物理,実験核物理領域)