Pusan National University | 論文
- セッション報告
- Impulse Generation Mechanisms in a Laser-Driven In-Tube Accelerator
- 31pSP-2 Search for K_L ⇾ π^0 νν decay (KEK-PS E391a experiment) : Engineering run
- Clinical Safety of Drug-Eluting Stents in the Korea Acute Myocardial Infarction Registry
- 気象庁全球予報モデルを用いた1993, 94年夏のアンサンブル季節予報実験
- セッション報告
- The Sensitive Analysis for Effects of Vegetation in Atmosphere and Surface Interaction
- The Application of Spectral method for Meso-Scale Phenomena
- 39.2: Characterization of a Bistable TN-LCD for Matrix-Addressed Operation(39: SMECTIC AND BISTABLE NEMATIC LCDs)(2.発表内容報告)
- Abnormal Crystal Growth and Transport Properties of Sintered(Bi0.2Sb0.8)2Te3 Thermoelectric Alloys with Ag Addition (特集 複合材料系の焼結機構と新しい焼結技術の展開)
- 3.主観的な数学的部分体系の構築について(主題「科学教育の新しい教科構成と内容」)
- Routing Automated Guided Vehicles Using Q-Learning
- Dynamic Routing in Automated Guided Vehicle Systems
- Design of a Reflective Bistable Twisted-Nematic LCD for High-Reflection and High-Contrast Operation(発表の概略)(Report on Euro Display '99)
- Periodic Poling in 3-mm-Thick MgO:LiNbO_3 Crystals
- Influence of P on Microstructure and Thermoelectric Property of Sintered (Bi_Sb_)_2Te_3 Alloy
- Obesity paradox in Korean patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
- Design and Implementation of the High-Speed IPv6-IPv4 Translator and Analysis of Its Performance(Internet Technology VI)
- Trajectory Generation for Capturing a Moving Object in Predictable Environments
- Interfacial and Damage Sensing of Carbon Fiber/Epoxy-AT-PEI Composite with Matrix Fracture Toughness using Electro-micromechanical Technique