Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University | 論文
- Asymmetry of the perception of approaching or receding objects defined by moving cast shadows(Summary of Awarded Presentation at the 25th Annual Meeting)
- ネパール在来鶏の血液型
- Effects of water level on sleeping-site selection and inter-group association in proboscis monkeys : why do they sleep alone inland on flooded days?
- Chiasma analyses of the parasite flukes, Schistosoma and Paragonimus(Trematoda), by using the chiasma distribution graph
- Sympatric Distribution of the Two Morphological Types of the Common Tree Shrew in Hat-Yai Districts (South Thailand)
- Perception of motion trajectories of objects from moving cast shadows in human (Homo sapiens) infants, Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata) infants, and an adult chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes)(Summary of Awarded Presentations at the 24th Annual Meeting)
- Variation in Spatial Cohesiveness in a Group of Japanese Macaques (Macaca fuscata)
- ネパールにおける在来鶏の生体計測および外形質の遺伝学的分析,第一次調査(1986年)
- ネパール在来羊種の生化学的多型
- Visual preference in a human-reared agile gibbon (Hylobates agilis)
- Deactivation of snares by wild chimpanzees
- ヤイラで過ごすトルコの夏
- 狩猟採集から食料生産への緩やかな移行 : 南東アナトリアにおける家畜化
- リチャード・ランガムに聞く--チンパンジーの社会システムにヒトの進化を探る (特集 類人猿--ヒトの隣りの「人類」)
- 新石器時代トルコ東南部における動物の利用と家畜化:チャユヌ遺跡出土の動物遺存体
- 哺乳類遺存体に残された解体痕の研究--鳥浜貝塚85区出土の獣骨をとおして (動物考古学の基礎的研究)
- 同位体比分析で象牙生産地を判定--密猟防止と適正な取引のために
- Postglacial population expansion of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) inferred from mitochondrial DNA phylogeography
- Dietary adaptations of temperate primates: comparisons of Japanese and Barbary macaques.
- Differences in the P1' substrate specificities of pepsin A and chymosin