Pohang Accelerator Laboratory Postech | 論文
- High Power Beam Test and Measurement of Emittance Evolution of a 1.6-Cell Photocathode RF Gun at Pohang Accelerator Laboratory
- On Landau Damping by Bunch Filling Pattern in the Pohang Light Source Storage Ring
- Film Density Dependence of Polymethylmethacrylate Ablation under Synchrotron Radiation Irradiation
- A Simulation Study of the Global Orbit Feedback System for Pohang Light Source
- Dynamical Behavior in Bunch Lengthening by Localized Impedances in Electron Storage Ring
- Dependence of Dynamic Aperture on Betatron Tune at 2.5 GeV Pohang Light Source Storage Ring
- Decoherence of Beam Oscillation in a 2 TeV $\times$ 2 TeV Muon-Collider Ring
- High Power Beam Test and Measurement of Emittance Evolution of a 1.6-Cell Photocathode RF Gun at Pohang Accelerator Laboratory
- Reduction of Multipole Fields in Photocathode RF Gun
- Film Density Dependence of Polymethylmethacrylate Ablation under Synchrotron Radiation Irradiation
- Simulation Study for Electro-Optic Sampling Measurement of Low-Energy Electron Beam
- Suppression of Initial Energy Spreads in Electron Radio Frequency Linacs for Intense Irradiation Applications
- Characterization of a Pulse-Charge-Mode Multigap Pseudospark Device as an Enhanced Electron Beam Source