Pharmaceutical Research Division Takeda Chemical Industries Ltd. | 論文
- Synthesis of immunologically Active Muramyl Dipeptide Derivatives containing a Quinonyl Moiety via Aminoacyl Intermediates
- Novel Quinonyl Derivatives of Muramyl Dipeptide Possessing Potent Antitumor Activity
- 創薬科学賞受賞 インスリン抵抗性改善薬ピオグリタゾンの創製
- Identification of the Up- and Down-Regulated Genes in the Heart of Juvenile Visceral Steatosis Mice (Biochemistry/Molecular Biology)
- Functional Disorders of the Oxidative Phosphorylation System in the Heart Mitochondria of Mice with Juvenile Visceral Steatosis
- Synthesis and Anti-Helicobacter pylori Activity of Pyloricidin Derivatives II. The Combination of Amino Acid Residues in the Dipeptidic Moiety and its Effect on the Anti-Helicobacter pylori Activity
- Synthesis and Anti-Helicobacter pylori Activity of Pyloricidin Derivatives : I. Structure-activity Relationships on the Terminal Peptidic Moiety
- Total Synthesis of Novel Antibiotics Pyloricidin A, B and C and Their Application in the Study of Pyloricidin Derivatives
- Pyloricidins, Novel Anti-Helicobacter pylori Antibiotics Produced by Bacillus sp. : I. Taxonomy, Fermentation and Biological Activity
- Establishment and Characterization of a Colonic Epithelial Cell Line MCE301 from Transgenic Mice Harboring Temperature-Sensitive Simian Virus 40 Large T-Antigen Gene
- Synthesis and Biological Activities of 4-Phenyl-5-pyridyl-1,3-thiazole Derivatives as Selective Adenosine A_3 Antagonists
- Development and Characterization of Conditionally Immortalized Gastric Epithelial Cell Lines from Transgenic Rats Harboring Temperature-Sensitive Simian Virus 40 Large T-antigen Gene
- Stable Expression of Gastric Proton Pump Activity at the Cell Surface
- MCHレセプターおよびそのアンタゴニスト (特集 肥満症の分子メカニズム--アディポサイエンス最前線)
- 新たな国づくりに向けた雇用政策 (特集 民主政権 問われる推進力)
- ゲノム情報を活用した21世紀の創薬
- 創薬技術はどこまで進むか (21世紀の医療と創薬--これからの医療・薬物療法はどう変わるか) -- (第2章 21世紀の創薬と薬物療法)
- 薬のディスカバリーはどのように行われるか (特集 新しい医薬品をどう創り,どう評価するか)
- 21世紀の創薬
- 画期的な新薬の研究開発(新薬開発体制における戦略的展開)