Peking Univ. Beijing Chn | 論文
- 1.55μm InAsP/InGaAsP Strained Multiple-Quantum-Well Laser Diodes Grown by Solid-Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Magnetic Mullite-iron Composite Nanoparticles Prepared by Solid Solution Reduction
- Wave Propagation in Transversely Isotropic Fluid-Saturated Poroelastic Media(Solid Mechanics)
- Modeling of PWR Plant by Multilevel Flow Model and its Application in Fault Diagnosis
- Sesquiterpenes from Ainsliaea fragrans and Their Inhibitory Activities against Cyclooxygenases-1 and 2
- A New Neolignan Glycoside from the Roots of Echinops grijissii
- Fargosides A-E, Triterpenoid Saponins from Holboellia fargesii
- New Triterpenoid Saponins from Maesa tenera
- New Saponins from the Seeds of Aesculus chinensis
- Chiral β-particles interact differentially with enantiomers -theory to solve a long-existing debate
- Relationship between interferon therapy and variability in nonstructural gene 5b of hepatitis C virus
- Development and application of a multi-target immunoaffinity column for the selective extraction of natural estrogens from pregnant women's urine samples by capillary electrophoresis
- WRKY62 Transcription Factor Acts Downstream of Cytosolic NPR1 and Negatively Regulates Jasmonate-Responsive Gene Expression
- 四側鎖型カリックス[4]レゾルシンアレンのリン酸エステルによる可溶化
- Modeling Goals and Functions of Micro Gas Turbine System by Multilevel Flow Models (特集論文 共生社会へのヒューマンインタフェース)
- Modeling Goals and Functions of Micro Gas Turbine System by Multilevel Flow Models (第22回ヒューマンインタフェース研究会 ヒューマンインタフェースの視点から共生社会を)
- The Dynamic Behavior of an Elastic Circular Tube Due to Longitudinal Impact
- A Study of Layer Thickness and Interface Qualities of Strained ln_xGa_As/GaAs Layers
- Geodetically observed surface displacements of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake
- Potential Cytoplasmic Inheritance in Wisteria sinensis and Robinia pseudoacacia (Leguminosae)