Osaka Kyoiku University | 論文
- Antarctic climate research data, Part 5.PPI rader data at Syowa Station, Antarctica from February to December 1989(Meteorology 28)
- Antarctic Climate Research Data, Part 3 Radar and Microwave Radiometer Data at Syowa Station, Antarctica in 1989
- The Inverse Problem of Flobenius-Perron Equations in 1D Difference Systems : 1D Map Idealization : General and Mathematical Physics
- Stably Propagating Periodic Waves in Intrinsically Bistable Reaction-Diffusion Systems
- Unstable Periodic Orbits and Chaos (統計物理学の展開と応用--多様性の中の類似性(研究会報告))
- Ice crystals observed at Cambridge Bay and Inuvik in Arctic Canada (scientific paper)
- Rb Optical Pumping in a Very Weak Magnetic Field
- Survey of Period Variations of Superhumps in SU UMa-Type Dwarf Novae. II The Second Year (2009-2010)
- コンピュ-タ利用による英語プレゼンテ-ション技法指導の理論と実践
- 大学英語教育におけるCALLシステムの開発と実践
- ネットワーク利用によるタイピング及びワープロ演習システムの開発と実践
- 米国の語学教育におけるCAIの現状 : ワシントン大学の場合
- CAIによる読解→語彙→制限英作文学習の包括的指導の設計と実践
- 英文 Direct Reading CAI の開発と実践
- 多角的CAIの可能性と実践 : 摂南大学の場合
- Ice crystals grown from the vapor at temperatures lower than -17゜C (abstract)
- DNA methylation and histone modification in onion chromosomes
- 資料 : アメリカ教育文化史年表
- The Symposium on Teachers and Learners Roles in English Language Teaching from the Global Education Perspectives(symposium,Tomorrow's Learners, Tomorrow's Teachers : Autonomous Development in College English Language Learning and Teaching)
- A Motivation-Appraisal Model for Japanese EFL Learners : The Role of Orientations as Motivational Antecedents