Okayama Univ. Medical School Okayama Jpn | 論文
- 悪性グリオーマの放射線治療成績
- 上咽頭癌の放射線治療成績
- 核医学検査報告書標準化WG報告
- どのような核医学検査レポートが望まれているか? : アンケート調査結果および望ましい報告書の書き方
- Reduced Serum Levels of ALT and GGT and High Carbohydrate Intake among Workers Exposed to Toluene below the Threshold Limit Values
- 65.肺癌術後再発例の放射線療法 : 特に生存期間とQOLについて : 第31回日本肺癌学会中国・四国支部会
- 臨床放射線医学(核医学) (特集 臨床医学の展望--診断および治療上の進歩(5))
- ラット脂肪肝モデルにおける^Tc-GSA 肝シンチグラフィの有用性の検討
- ^TI心筋SPECTにおけるcircumferential profile解析法の検討 -異なる代表値による比較-
- The usefulness of serum thyroglobulin levels and Tl-201 scintigraphy in differentiating between benign and malignant thyroid follicular lesions
- Assessment of Workplace Bullying and Harassment : Reliability and Validity of a Japanese Version of the Negative Acts Questionnaire
- Unmetabolized VOCs in Urine as Biomarkers of Low Level Exposure in Indoor Environments
- Practicality of Veterans Specific Activity Questionnaire in Evaluation of Exercise Capacity of Community-Dwelling Japanese Elderly
- DHPLCを用いた日本人骨形成不全症(OI)におけるI型コラーゲンの遺伝子解析
- Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor and Lineage-Independent Modulation of VLA-4 Expression on Circulating CD34^+ Cells
- Replating potential of colony-forming units of granulocytes/macrophages (CFE-GM) expanded ex vivo by stem cell factor, interleukin (IL)-3, IL-6, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, erythropoietin with or without thrombopoietin
- Trisomy 12 and t(14;18) in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- G-CSF-induced mobilization of peripheral blood stem cells for allografting: comparative study of daily single versus divided dose of G-CSF
- Androgen therapy in combination with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor and erythropoietin in a patient with refractory anemia
- ビスホスホネートで治療された骨形成不全症乳幼児の成長に関する検討