Okayama Astrophysical Observatory Naoj | 論文
- Multi-Object Infrared Camera and Spectrograph (MOIRCS) for the Subaru Telescope : I. Imaging
- Subaru/MOIRCS Near-Infrared Imaging in the Proto-Cluster Region at z = 3.1
- MOIRCS Deep Survey. II : Clustering Properties of K-Band Selected Galaxies in GOODS-North Region
- MOIRCS Deep Survey. I : DRG Number Counts
- Implications for Cosmic Reionization from the Optical Afterglow Spectrum of the Gamma-Ray Burst 050904 at z = 6.3
- A Search for CO (J = 3-2) Emission from the Host Galaxy of GRB 980425 with the Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment
- High Dispersion Spectrograph (HDS) for the Subaru Telescope
- 宇宙X線背景放射と隠された活動銀河中心核 : 「あすか」衛星によるサーベイから得られた結果を中心として
- SuprimeCam Observation of Sporadic Meteors during Perseids 2004
- Nobeyama Millimeter Array Observations of GRB 030329 : a Decay of Afterglow with Bumps and Molecular Gas in the Host Galaxy
- FOCAS : The Faint Object Camera and Spectrograph for the Subaru Telescope
- Lyman Break Galaxies at z - 5 : Rest-Frame UV Spectra. II
- CO Observations of a FeLoBAL Quasar with an Hα Absorption Line at z=2.3
- Cosmological Evolution of the Hard X-Ray AGN Luminosity Function : Formation History of Supermassive Black Holes(Session 6 : Formation and Evolution of Black Holes)
- Lyman Break Galaxies at z - 5 : Luminosity Function
- Spectropolarimetric Study on Circumstellar Structure of Microquasar LS I + 61°303
- Chemical Composition of Carbon-Rich, Very Metal-Poor Subgiant LP 625-44 Observed with the Subaru/HDS
- An Abundance Study in the Hg-Mn Star 46 Aquilae (HD 186122) with the SUBARU/HDS^1
- 銀河の星形成史 : ライマンブレイク銀河の観測から
- みえてきた銀河形成の時代