Oita Institute of Marine and Fisheries Science | 論文
- Age validation, growth and annual reproductive cycle of chub mackerel Scomber japonicus off the waters of northern Kyushu and in the East China Sea
- A Winter-based Assessment on Energy and Protein Requirements of Yellowtail at the Optimum Feeding Frequency
- Effects of dietary lipid and phosphorus levels on nitrogen and phosphorus excretion in young yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata : A preliminary observation
- 養殖魚の血漿成分値と細菌感染に対する抵抗性との関連
- 代替タンパク質・代替油脂配合ドライペレットによるブリの飼育
- Appearance of Gymnodinium catenatum in Association with the Toxification of Bivalves in Kamae, Oita Prefecture, Japan
- Influence of death struggle on the structural changes in chub mackerel muscle during chilled storage
- Immunoreactive changes in pituitary FSH and LH cells during seasonal reproductive and spawning cycles of female chub mackerel Scomber japonicus
- 代替タンパク質・代替油脂配合ドライペレットによるブリの飼育
- 低魚粉・無魚粉飼料によるブリおよびマダイの飼育
- ブリ幼魚におけるクエン酸およびアミノ酸キレート微量元素添加の成長および窒素・リン排泄に及ぼす影響
- ブリの成長および窒素とリンの排泄に及ぼすリン添加の影響