Ocean Research Institute University Of Tokyo | 論文
- Genetic variation in the mitochondrial and nuclear DNA of the Japanese conger Conger myriaster
- Complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of the Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus
- Molecular approach to species identification of eggs with respect to determination of the spawning site of the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica
- Population structure of the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica as examined by mitochondrial DNA sequencing
- Complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica
- Gene rearrangement around the control region in the mitochondrial genoma of conger eel Conger myriaster
- Are morphological characters distinctive enough to discriminate between two species of freshwater eels, Anguilla celebesensis and A. interioris?
- 魚類の遊泳能力〔英文〕
- Population structure of Japanese spiny lobster Panulirus japonicus inferred by nucleotide sequence analysis of mitochondrial COI gene
- C-225 FISH法による東京湾海水中微生物群集の解析(遺伝子解析など-3、群集構造解析-4,ポスター発表)
- 熊本県天草下島の西部に露出する上部白亜系姫浦層群の地質
- Interspecific variations in age and size at settlement of 8 emperor fishes (Lethrinidae) at the southern Ryukyu Islands, Japan
- Feeding by the cyclopoid copepod Oithona similis on the microplankton assemblage in the Oyashio region during spring
- 大槌湾の海草上に生息するキタノカラマツガイの生活史と個体群動態
- COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE MORPHOLOGY OF CORAL PLANULAE OF SEVERAL SPECIES(Behavior Biology and Ecology,Abstracts of papers presented at the 74^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- A larva of Coryphaenoides pectoralis (Gadiformes : Macrouridae) collected by deep-sea submersible from off Hokkaido, Japan
- A novel membrane guanylyl cyclase expressed in medaka (Oryzias latipes) intestine.
- Genomic Structure and Expression of the Soluble Guanylyl Cyclase α2 Subunit Gene in the Medaka Fish Oryzias latipes
- 石油および石油と分散型油処理剤添加後にみられた中規模半閉鎖型海洋生態系における植物プランクトン群集の遷移
- 低濃度の石油が混入した実験的閉鎖生態系における海洋細菌群集の変動