Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo | 論文
- Genetic Comparison of Two Choerodon (Osteichthyes : Perciformes : Labridae) Color-types from the Southern Coasts of Japan
- First record of Anguilla japonica Glass Eel Collected in the Kuroshio Current
- Community Structures of Coral Reefs around Peninsular Malaysia
- Body Size at Maturity and Spawning Season for 0+ Females of Hexagrammos agrammus in Central Japan
- Shorter telomere length with age in the loggerhead turtle : a new hope for live sea turtle age estimation
- 南海トラフにおける Calyptogena 属の深度分布
- Technological Development for Half-life Measurement of ^Sm Nuclide
- Onset and development of aggressive behavior in the early life stage of Japanese flounder
- The Effect of Vitamin C Intake on Schooling Behavior of Amphidromous Fish, Ayu Plecoglossus altivelis
- Effects of Water Temperature and Light Intensity on Aggressive Behavior in the Juvenile Yellowtails
- Age Composition in the Schools of Juvenile Yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata Associated with Drifting Seaweeds in the East China Sea
- A Comparison of Isada Krill Euphausia pacifica Target Strength by Theoretical Scattering Models
- Divergence/convergence field observed with GPS tracked drifters in the Upper Gulf of Thailand
- Long-term and seasonal changes of the mean sea level at Syowa Station, Antarctica, from 1981 to 2000
- Onboard Determination of Submicromolar Nitrate in Seawater by Anion-Exchange Chromatography with Lithium Chloride Eluent
- Accumulation of Mercury, Cadmium and Lead in Tissues of Dall's Porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli) off Sanriku Coast in Japan
- Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory Protein in Eels : cDNA Cloning and Effects of ACTH and Seawater Transfer on Its mRNA Expression(Endocrinology)
- Turbulence effect on survival and feeding of Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis larvae, on the basis of a rearing experiment
- Phylogenetic analyses in cetacean species of the family Delphinidae using a short wavelength sensitive opsin gene sequence
- Skip of the routine habitat in an amphidromous migration of ayu