Ntt Corporation | 論文
- A New User Selection Measure in Block Diagonalization Algorithm for Multiuser MIMO Systems
- Overlap Frequency-Domain Multiuser Detection for Asynchronous Uplink Multiuser MIMO-OFDM Systems
- Antenna Selection Method for Terminal Antennas Employing Orthogonal Polarizations and Patterns in Outdoor Multiuser MIMO System
- 温度無依存アレイ格子フィルタ
- InGaAsP/InP系温度無依存アレイ格子フィルタ
- 半導体ハイメサ導波路を用いた偏波無依存アレイ導波路格子
- WDM用半導体光フィルタ (特集論文 WDMネットワ-ク用光デバイス)
- GMPLS Based Survivable Photonic Network Architecture(Protection and Restoration,Feature Topics on Latest Trends in Optical Networks)
- Frequency-Domain Equalization for Coherent Optical Single-Carrier Transmission Systems
- アレイ導波路格子型合分波器の分散特性
- PLCハイブリッド集積DFB-LD搭載2.5Gb/s×8ch多波長光源モジュール
- Universally composable client-to-client general authenticated key exchange (特集:情報システムを支えるコンピュータセキュリティ技術の再考)
- Applicability of Camera Works to Free Viewpoint Videos with Annotation and Planning
- AC Electric Field Communication for Human-Area Networking
- Optical Label Switching Using Optical Label Based on Wavelength and Pilot Tone Frequency (Joint Special Issue on Recent Progress in Optoelectronics and Communications)
- Optical Label Switching Using Optical Label Based on Wavelength and Pilot Tone Frequency (Joint Special Issue on Recent Progress in Optoelectronics and Communications)
- Flexible OADM Architecture and Its Impact on WDM Ring Evolution for Robust and Large-Scale Optical Transport Networks (Joint Special Issue on Recent Progress in Optoelectronics and Communications)
- Flexible OADM Architecture and Its Impact on WDM Ring Evolution for Robust and Large-Scale Optical Transport Networks (Joint Special Issue on Recent Progress in Optoelectronics and Communications)
- Design and Performance of Delivery and Coupling Switch Board for Large Scale Optical Path Cross-Connect System
- A Synchronization Scheme for Packet Mode MIMO-OFDM Signals in Wireless LAN(Terrestrial Radio Communications)