Universally composable client-to-client general authenticated key exchange (特集:情報システムを支えるコンピュータセキュリティ技術の再考)
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In large-scale networks, users want to be able to communicate securely with each other over a channel that is unreliable. When the existing 2- and 3-party protocols are realized in this situation, there are several problems : a client must hold many passwords and the load on the server concerning password management is heavy. In this paper, we define a new ideal client-to-client general authenticated key exchange functionality, where arbitrary 2-party key exchange protocols are applicable to protocols between the client and server and between servers. We also propose a client-to-client general authenticated key exchange protocol C2C-GAKE as a general form of the client-to-client model, and a client-to-client hybrid authenticated key exchange protocol C2C-HAKE as an example protocol of C2C-GAKE to solve the above problems. In C2C-HAKE, a server shares passwords only with clients in the same realm respectively, public/private keys are used between respective servers, and two clients between different realms share a final session key via the respective servers. Thus, with regard to password management in C2C-HAKE, the load on the server can be distributed to several servers. In addition, we prove that C2C-HAKE securely realizes the above functionality. C2C-HAKE is the first client-to-client hybrid authenticated key exchange protocol that is secure in a universally composable framework with a security-preserving composition property.
- 2007-09-15
米山 一樹
OHTA Kazuo
University of Electro-Communications
KDDI R & D Laboratories Inc.
TANAKA Toshiaki
KDDI R & D Laboratories Inc.
OHTA Kazuo
The University of Electro-Communications
Yoneyama Kazuki
Ntt Corporation
Tanaka T
Kddi R & D Laboratories Inc.
KDDI R & D Laboratories, Inc.
The University of Electro-Communications
Ota Haruki
Kddi R & D Laboratories Inc.
Kiyomoto S
Kddi R & D Laboratories Inc.
Ohta Kazuo
Department Of Informatics The University Of Electro-communications
Yoneyama Kazuki
Ntt Information Sharing Platform Laboratories Ntt Corporation
KDDI R&D Laboratories, Inc.
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