Noguchi Thyroid Clinic And Hospital Foundation | 論文
- Up-regulation of integrin β3 in radioresistant pancreatic cancer impairs adenovirus-mediated gene therapy
- Tumor-stromal interactions with direct cell contacts enhance proliferation of human pancreatic carcinoma cells
- Insular component as a risk factor of thyroid carcinoma
- Oncofetal expression of blood group-related antigen on morules in thyroid carcinoma
- Morule with biotin-containing intranuclear inclusions in thyroid carcinoma
- Contribution of Epstein-Barr virus to development of malignant lymphoma of the thyroid
- Second Primary Neoplasms in Thyroid Cancer Patients
- Formation of Ovary-Like Multitissue Spheroids Composed of Isolated Rat Follicles In Vitro
- Insig2 is overexpressed in pancreatic cancer and its expression is induced by hypoxia
- Tumor-stroma interactions reduce the efficacy of adenoviral therapy through the HGF-MET pathway
- Orbital magnetic resonance imaging combined with clinical activity score can improve the sensitivity of detection of disease activity and prediction of response to immunosuppressive therapy for Graves' ophthalmopathy
- Ghrelin in small intestine, its contribution to regulation of food intake and body weight in cross-intestinal parabiotic rats
- Is cholecystectomy necessary after endoscopic treatment of bile duct stones in patients older than 80 years of age?
- Targeting the hedgehog signaling pathway with interacting peptides to Patched-1
- Analysis of lymph node metastasis in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (PNETs) based on the tumor size and hormonal production
- 分枝型IPMNの自然史 : 日本における多施設共同研究
- 腹膜透析導入後に発症した鼠径ヘルニアに対し mesh plug 法で修復術を行った3例
- 腹腔鏡補助下結腸全摘術を施行した特発性腸間膜静脈硬化症の1例
- PS-152-8 腹腔鏡下膵腫瘍核出術の検討(膵手術手技-3,ポスターセッション,第112回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- PS-102-5 インスリノーマの悪性度は本当に低いのか?(PS-102 膵 腫瘍・膵炎,ポスターセッション,第112回日本外科学会定期学術集会)