Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci. | 論文
- Compilation of anatomical, physiological and metabolic characteristics for a Reference Asian Man-IAEA-TECDOC-1005
- Detection of Oxidative DNA Damage Induced by Heavy Ions at NIRS-HIMAC
- Inhibition by WR-2721 and cysteamine during the initiation phase of radiation-induced mammary tumorigenesis of rats
- Susceptibility of Fetal, Virgin, Pregnant, and Lactating Rats for the Induction of Mammaary Tumors by Gamma-rays
- Susceptibility of lactating Fat marrunary glands to garnma-ray irradiation in tumorigenesis.
- Cytogenetic Analysis of Radiation-Induced Leukemias in p53-Deficient C3H/He Mice
- Cytogenetic Analysis of Undifferentiated Leukemia in p53-Deficient C3H/He Mice
- Analysis of Initial Events in Radiation-Induced Lymphomagenesis (III) : PCR-SSCP anatysis of p53 gene.
- Closing Plant Stomata Requires a Homolog of an Aluminum-Activated Malate Transporter
- Acquired Radioresistance in Hematopolesis in Mice
- Radiation-induced Apoptosis in Murine Thymic Lymphoma : Cell Cycle Dependency
- First Analysis of Mortality of Nuclear Industry Workers in Japan, 1986-1992
- Spatial Distribution of Thoron Concentration and the Behavior of Its Progeny in a Japanese Traditional House 11 - Behavior of Thoron Progeny
- Spatial Distribution of Thoron Concentration and the Behavior of Its Progeny in a Japanese Traditional House I - Distribution of Thoron Gas
- Dependence on LET and particle species of chromosome aberrations in human cells.
- Killing, Mutation and DNA Double Strand Breaks in Mammalian Cells Induced by Monochromatic X-rays with Resonance Energy of Phosphorus K-absorption Edge
- Iodine in take for Ukrainian in contaminated areas due to the Chernobyl accident.
- Revised whole-body partition of Th-232 in Thorotrast patients-implications for alpha-particle risk estimates
- Influence of microorganisms on the behavior of environmental radionuclides.