National institute for Researches in Inorganic Materials | 論文
- Magnetic Susceptibility of Li_Ti_O_4 Doped with Vanadium
- Seebeck Coefficient of Li_Ti_O_4
- Electron State in AlN Studied by Compton Scattering Measurement
- Catalytic Reaction of C_3H_6 over VO_2
- Metal-Insulator Transition in LiTi_V_xO_4
- X-Ray Dilatometric Study of Incommensurate-Quasi-Commensurate Phase Transition of Ferroelectric Barium Sodium Niobate : Condensed Matter
- Carbon Layer on Lanthanum Hexaboride (100) Surface
- Observation of Shock-Induced Phases of Nb_20_5 Single Crystal under High-Resolution Electron Microscopy
- Valence Band Spectra of ReO_3
- Ionic Conductivities of β-and β"-Alumina Single Crystals
- Theory of the Electronic Structure of ReO_3 (001) Surface and the Surface Oxygen Vacancy
- High-Pressure Synthesis of Mo-Containing 1212 and 1222 Compounds, (Cu, Mo)Sr_2YCu_2O_z and (Cu, Mo)Sr_2(Y, Ce)_2Cu_2O_z
- A 105 K Superconducting Phase in the Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O System : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Preparation and Properties of Ba_2YCu_3O_ Single Crystals Grown Using an Indium Oxide Flux : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Preparation of Ba_2YCu_3O_ with T_c below 65 K
- Superconductivity in Ba_Sr_YCu_3O_
- High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy of Defects in High T_c Superconductor Ba_2YCu_3O_y
- Cation-Conductive Ceramics Examined by 1 MV HRTEM
- Raman Spectroscopy and Dielectric Anomaly of Bi_4Ti_3O_
- Dielectric Properties of Bi_4Ti_3O_ below the Curie Temperature