National Space Development Agency of JAPAN | 論文
- Plant growth processes in Arabidopsis under microgravity conditions simulated by a clinostat
- Behavior and Reproduction of Invertebrate Animals During and After A Long-Term Microgravity: Space Experiments Using An Autonomous Biological System (ABS)
- Microorganisms and Plant of Autonomous Biological Systems (ABS) Samples
- Concluding Remarks of Autonomous Biologica Systems (ABS) Experiments
- Concluding Remarks of Autonomous Biological Systems (ABS) Experiments
- Performance of a Digital Video Camcorder for the Autonomous Biological System Experiment onboard Space Station Mir
- Behavior and Reproduction of Invertebrate Animals During and After A Long-Term Microgravity: Space Experiments Using An Autonomous Biological System (ABS)
- Microorganisms and Plant of Autonomous Biological Systems (ABS) Samples
- Analysis of Water in Autonomous Biological Systems (ABS) Samples
- ミニ閉鎖生態系の宇宙実験 3回のフライトを終えて(4) 宇宙ステーションミールでのミニエコシステム実験に使われたデジタルビデオカメラの動作特性
- ミニ閉鎖生態系の宇宙実験 -3回のフライトを終えて-(3)動物
- ミニ閉鎖生態系の宇宙実験 -3会のフライトを終えて-
- ミニ閉鎖生態系の宇宙実験-3回のフライトを終えて- (1)水質, 有機物, 同位体比
- 閉鎖生態系は宇宙でどうなるか? (3)微生物, 植物
- 閉鎖生態系は宇宙でどうなるか? (2)水質・有機物
- 閉鎖生態系は宇宙でどうなるか? (1)ミジンコ, エビ, カタツムリ
- 宇宙環境下における閉鎖生態系の動態 -微生物学的解析と抗生物質耐性-
- 宇宙環境下での閉鎖生態系の動態 -STS77実験-
- Mini ecosystem in space -Preliminary experiment on board STS-77-
- Mutation Induction in the rspL gene on an E. coli-B. subtilis shuttle vector by Space Flight on MIR