National Research Institute of Fisheries Engineering | 論文
- 干潟の海草藻場におけるジュゴンの摂餌行動モニタリング
- Bilateral bioacoustics research of Chinese freshwater dolphins(Commemoration of the Japan-China Joint Conference on Acoustics 2007 (JCA2007))
- Spotlined sardine Sardinops melanostictus listens to 1-kHz sound by using its gas bladder
- An investigation of different methods for the prevention of parametric rolling
- Model Experiment on Parametric Roll of a Post-Panamax Container Ship in Short-Crested lrregular Seas (オーガナイズドセッション(OS3):IMO基準の機能用件化に向けての非損傷時復原性評価)
- Importance of several nonlinear factors on broaching prediction
- Comparison of North European and Japanese Purse Seiners by Capsizing Model Experiments
- Spatial and temporal variation in the distribution of juvenile southern bluefin tuna Thunnus maccoyii : implication for precise estimation of recruitment abundance indices
- タイ国でのジュゴン音響観察
- 受動的音響探査によるジュゴンの発見確率の推定
- 標準球のエコー積分による魚群探知機の精確な較正
- 海洋生物の音を用いた水族館での展示の実践
- Behavioural Observation of Aquatic Mammals by Automatic Vocal Detection(Open Symposium for Public on New Marine Biology Using Micro-Biologging Methods,PROCEEDING OF THE 74^ ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN)
- Target strength estimation of black porgy Acanthopagrus schlegeli using acoustic measurements and a scattering model
- Selectivity on Salinity of Asiatic Brackish Clam Larvae, Corbicula japonica Prime, 1864
- Target Strength Measurements and Modeling of Walleye Pollock and Pacific Hake
- Audiogram measurement based on the auditory brainstem response for juvenile Japanese sand lance Ammodytes personatus
- Suspension Method Using with Multiple Optical Beams for Target Strength Pattern Measurements of a Squid
- Broaching prediction in the light of an enhanced mathematical model, with higher-order terms taken into account
- Model Experiments of Ship Capsize in Astern Seas