National Physical Laboratory | 論文
- Adiabatic Compressibility and Ultrasonic Velocity in Esters
- Effect of Ultrasonics on Photographic Films
- Effect of the Pretilt Angle and Temperature on the Multiplexing Limits of Dual Frequency Addressed TN-LC Cell
- Enormous Change in Tilt Angle and Transition Temperature of Smectic C*–Smectic A Phase in Electroclinic Liquid Crystal Material
- Tunable Lasers for DIAL Applications (レ-ザ-レ-ダ-特集号)
- A Two-Way Metal Vacuum Valve
- Frequency Dependent Polarization Reversal and the Response Time of Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal by Triangular Wave Method
- Ultrasonic Study of Esterification Equilibria
- Ultrasonic Studies in Aqueous Solutions of Zinc Acetate
- Presentation and Verification of a Differential Formulation for the Diffraction by Conducting Gratings : Diffiraction Gratings
- (ぜい性材料の延性モード研削加工技術)
- Dielectric Relaxation of Dye-Doped Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Mixture: A Comparative Study of Smectic C* and Smectic A Phase
- Effect of Electromagnetic Interactions on the Undulatory Temperature Dependent Behaviour of Non-Resonant Microwave Absorption Signal Amplitude in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x
- Removal of Zig-Zag Defects in Surface-Stabilized Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Cells
- 24pPSA-15 磁気トルク測定によるCuBa_2Ca_3Cu_4O_y系超伝導体配向試料の異方性評価(24pPSA 理論・高温超伝導,領域8(強相関系分野-高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- Ultrasonic Studies in Aqueous Solutions of Formates, Acetates and Propionates of Sodium and Calcium
- Nucleation, Growth and Microstructure of Vapour Deposited Tin Film on NaCl Single Crystal Substrate