National Museum Of Nature And Science | 論文
- 日本産真性粘菌雑記V : 古いコンクリート壁をおおうコケに発生したジクホコリ属の新種
- A New Species of Asteroschema (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea: Asteroschematidae) from Southwestern Japan
- 6. ニュージーランド産カサガイから同時に発見された表現型多型と隠蔽種(日本貝類学会平成19年度大会(豊橋)研究発表要旨)
- P7. DNA塩基配列データに基づくニュージーランド産フエルトアオガイ属(Notoacmea)の系統分類学的研究(日本貝類学会平成19年度大会(豊橋)研究発表要旨)
- Euleiognathus, a new genus proposed for the Miocene ponyfish, Leiognathus tottori Yabumoto and Uyeno 1994 (Perciformes : Leiognathidae) from Japan
- Ammothea hilgendorfi (Pycnogonida: Ammotheidae) Associated with a Sea-Star, Coscinasterias acutispina (Echinodermata: Asteroidea), from Sagami Bay, Japan
- Genetic relationship between post-caldera and caldera-forming magmas from Aso volcano, SW Japan : Constraints from Sr isotope and trace element compositions
- Reexamination of Fossil Shrews (Sorex spp.) from the Middle Pleistocene of Honshu Island, Japan
- 鳥取市国府町宮下産の中新世浅海性魚類化石(フォト)
- Reappraisal of "Brachyodus" japonicus, an Oligocene anthracotheriid cetartiodactyl from Japan
- Handling specimens in liquid preservative : adding and removing the liquid paraffin overlayer
- ブラジル産白亜紀の魚化石 (魚の進化をさぐる)
- 化石に見られる魚の進化 (魚の進化をさぐる)
- Behavior of Formate Adsorbed on Cu(110) When Exposed to Hydrogen Gas
- 136 Vegetation reconstruction in MIS5e and MIS5d based on plant remains from the Mizukiri peat layer, Fukui, western Japan
- 中国の魚類化石 (中国の古脊椎動物)
- 582 Paleoecology of Cunninghamia from earliest Miocene Shichiku Flora of Northeast Honshu, Japan
- 536 Cenozoic floral change in East Asia : A phytogeographic perspective
- 365 Vegetation and climate of late middle Miocene Konan Flora from Shibetsu City, Hokkaido, Japan
- 下北半島尻屋地域の更新世脊椎動物群集