National Maritime Research Institute | 論文
- Thermodynamic Performance of an Internal Reheat Gas Turbine (IRGT) with Hydrogen Combustion
- 非線形カルマンフィルタを用いた船舶の位置予測の高精度化に関する研究
- 最短時間アプローチ操船問題における操縦運動モデルの一考察(所外発表論究等概要)
- 最短時間アプローチ操船問題における操縦運動モデルの一考察
- 最短時間を目指した自動定点停止操船に関する研究(所外発表論文等概要)
- 最短時間制御を目指した自動定点停止操船に関する研究
- 操船の最適化への試み(システム技術部,所外発表論文等概要)
- 操船の最適化への試み : 最短時間制御を目指した操船
- Hydrodynamics of a body floating in a two-layer fluid of finite depth : Part 2. Diffraction problem and wave-induced motions
- 10 On a Calculation of Decrease of Ship Speed in Actual Seas
- 21 Investigation on Components of Added Resistance in Short Waves
- 22 A Practical Correction Method for Added Resistance in Waves
- A Methodology and Methods for Probabilistic Safety Assessment of Ships
- 2005S-OS6-6 A Full Scale Model Test of Contra-rotating Podded Propulsor
- On the mechanism of the bursting phenomena of propeller tip vortex cavitation
- 2007S-G5-9 Guidance Control of Vessels Using Minimum Time Control
- Editorial
- An Efficient Algorithm for Simulating Free-Surface Turbulent Flows around an Advancing Ship
- Evaluation of expected maximum values of forces acting on containers and lashing rods on a container ship
- P3-28 Evaluation on Elastic Constants of An Antifouling Paint Film Using Group Delay Spectrum Method(Poster session 3)