National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry | 論文
- A possible association between paternal longevity and major depression among elderly men
- A polydiagnostic study of depressive disorders according to DSM-IV and 23 classical diagnostic systems
- Public attitudes towards the mentally ill : A cross-cultural study between Bali and Tokyo
- Current Topics in Neuroleptic-induced Extrapyramidal Symptoms in Japan
- 1-8 The Effect of Bathwater Additive on Arousal Level(Proceedings of the 56th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- Suicide and its prevention in Japan
- Effects of volitional lifestyle on rest-activity cycle in the aged
- 東京地方検察庁における触法精神障害者の退院 : 犯行期間に関連する要因について
- Social Class Inequalities in Self-rated Health and Their Gender and Age Group Differences in Japan
- Twelve-month prevalence, severity, and treatment of common mental disorders in communities in Japan : preliminary finding from the World Mental Health Japan Survey 2002-2003
- Irregular Sleep Habits of Parents Are Associated with Increased Sleep Problems and Daytime Sleepiness of Children
- 1-3 The Effect of Pillowcase Impregnated with Cedrol on Sleep(Proceedings of the 57th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- SV-4 The Relation of Sleep Health and Habits among Family (Proceedings of the 49th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- Sleep habits and sleep health between couples : from the questionnaire in summer season
- Short Sleep Duration and Irregular Bedtime Are Associated with Increased Behavioral Problems among Japanese Preschool-Age Children
- Effects of the gradually increasing dawn light stimulation on sleep feeling
- Depression and Suicide Risk of Outpatients at Specialized Hospitals for Substance Use Disorder : Comparison with Depressive Disorder Patients at General Psychiatric Clinics
- Lifetime prevalence of mental disorders and its relationship to suicidal ideation in a Japanese rural community with high suicide and alcohol consumption rates
- 未就学児童における子ども虐待による心的外傷後トラウマ症状の保育者によるチェックリストの開発