National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research | 論文
- Development of a 2D eulerian code for reactive shock analysis using CIP scheme
- Determination of JWL equation of state parameters by hydrodynamically analytical method and cylinder expansion test
- Attenuation of blast waves by a water column
- Observation of Photoassisted Electroluminescent Emission Enhanced by Near-Infrared Irradiation
- Diffraction -Based Spatial Light Modulation :Transverse Linear Electrooptic Effect in Polymers
- Antiulcer Effect of Lafutidine on Indomethacin-Induced Gastric Antral Ulcers in Refed Rats
- Effect of Laser Wavelength for Surface Morphology of Aluminum Nitride Thin Films by Nitrogen Radical-Assisted Pulsed Laser Deposition
- Deactivation of External Acid Sites of H - Mordenite with Ceria Modification in the Isopropylation of Biphenyl
- Photoinactivation of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus with Fullerene Conjugated with Methoxy Polyethylene Glycol Amine
- Fabrication of Dye-Dispersed Optical-Quality Polymer Films by Coprecipitation of Cyanine Dye with Polymers
- Anomalous Association of 3, 3' -Diethyloxadicarbocyanine Iodide in Saturated Solutions of Acetone and Water
- Fabrication of Dye Dissolved Polymer Film Using Thermal Treatment under Ultra High Vacuum
- Noncrystalline Condensation of Densely Dissolved Optically Nonlinear Organic Compound in Polymer Matrices
- Sub-nanosecond time-resolved structural measurements of the phase-change alloy Ge2Sb2Te5 (Special issue: Optical memories)
- Close-Packed Adsorption of F (ab')_2 Fragment of Immunoglobulim G on Plasma-Polymerized Allylamine Film
- Characterization of Gas Sorption of Plasma-Polymerized Cu-Phthalocyanine Film
- Time-Resolved Photoluminescence Study on Energy Transfer from Alq3 (tris(8-hydroxyquinoline)aluminum) to Red-Emissive Tetraphenylchlorin
- Optical NO Sensing Using CoO/SiO_2 Nanocomposite Film and Its Microstructure
- SiO2層を介在させたZnO-NiO接合構造のNO感応特性
- Salt Formation in the Langmuir - Blodgett Films of Arachidic Acid Mixed with Amphiphilic Ammonium Ions and an Amphiphilic Amine