National Institute for Minamata Disease | 論文
- Involvement of Reactive Oxygens in Demethylation of Methylmercury in vivo (Proceedings of the 19th Symposium on Toxicology and Environmental Health)
- Resonant Photoemission Study on Valence Band Satellites of Cu_xNi_and Ag_xPd_Alloy Systems
- Similarity between the Effects of Carbon-ion Irradiation and X-irradiation on the Development of Rat Brain
- A rare Asian founder polymorphism of Raptor may explain the high prevalence of Moyamoya disease among East Asians and its low prevalence among Caucasians
- Reconstruction of human exposure to heavy metals using synchrotron radiation microbeams in prehistoric and modern humans
- Association analyses confirming a susceptibility locus for intracranial aneurysm at chromosome 14q23
- Logistic Model Analysis of Neurological Findings in Minamata Disease and the Predicting Index
- Radial glial cells in the developing brain of mice prenatally exposed to γ-irradiation
- Simple Method for Methylmercury Estimation in Biological Samples Using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
- Cortical fiber distribution in the somatosensory cortex of rats following prenatal exposure to X-irradiation
- Reappraisal of the Historic 1959 Cat Experiment in Minamata by the Chisso Factory
- Chronic Effects of Methylmercury in Rats : II. Pathological Aspects
- Chronic Effects of Methylmercury in Rats : I. Biochemical Aspects
- "P-15 Biological Effects of Chronic Exposure to Methylmercury of Low Level.
- Role of Mitochondria in Biotransformation of Methylmercury (Proceedings of the 23rd Symposium on Toxicology and Environmental Health)
- Studies on Plasma Methylmercury Compound and Its Brain Uptake (Proceedings of the 16 th Symposium on Environmental Pollutants and Toxicology)
- Sex Difference of Acute Toxicity of Methylmercury in Mice (Proceedings of the 14th Symposium on Environmental Pollutants and Toxicology)
- Heat Shock Proteins in Normal and Stressed Mammalian Embryonic Development
- High Incidence of Hydrocephalus Following Prenatal Exposure to X-irradiation at Early Gastational Stage in Mice
- Sex Difference of Methylmercury Toxicity in Rats-Involvement of Biotransformation (Proceedings of the 14th Symposium on Environmental Pollutants and Toxicology)