National Institute for Materials Sciences | 論文
- 225 Electron moire method of using superfine grid
- Development of a Flux Stabilizer for Solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance with a Hybrid Magnet
- Structural Change on the Magnetic Field-Induced Insulator-to-Metal Transition in Distorted Perovskite Eu_Sr_MnO_3(Condensed Matter : Structure, Mechanical and Thermal Properties)
- A Study of Magnetic Properties of Rare-earth Monopnictides in High Magnetic Fields(Abstracts of Doctral Dissertations)
- Primary Crystallization of an Al_Gd_6Er_2Ni_4 Metallic Glass
- Microstructure and properties of various forms of FePt hard magnetic alloys
- Low-Temperature Fabrication of High-Coercivity L1_0 Ordered FePt Magnetic Thin Films by Sputtering : Magnetism
- High Resolution Microstructural Studies of Heavily-Deformed Pearlitic Steel Wire
- パーライト鋼線のAPFIM解析
- Nanoscale microstructure and its effect on coercivity in melt-spun Sm(Co_Fe_Cu_Zr_B_)_ ribbons
- 26pPSA-52 Micro-photoluminescence of CdTe and GaAs single quantum dot structures