National Institute Of Information And Communication Technology | 論文
- Temperature Dependent Performances of Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors in an Ultralow-Temperature Region
- Prioritized Aggregation for Compressed Video Streaming on mmWave WPAN Systems
- On Communication and Interference Range of Multi-Gbps Millimeter-Wave WPAN System
- Field demonstration of differential-phase-shift QKD system over 90-km link under the framework of Tokyo QKD Network (光通信システム)
- IEEE 802.11af Standardization Activities: TV White Space Security Issues
- Measurement and Evaluation of Submillimeter-Wave Antenna Quasioptical Feed System by a Phase-Retrieval Method in the 640-GHz Band
- Television white space (TVWS) geo-location database access by personal portable device (ソフトウェア無線)
- Enhancing Detection Efficiency by Applying an Optical Cavity Structure in a Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detector
- Evaluation of Uncertainties in Electromagnetic Disturbance Measurement above 1GHz due to Site Imperfections
- Development of an Estimation System for the Relative Dielectric Constant of Liquid Materials(Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC))
- Novel Joint Source-Channel Coding of Periodic ECG Signals for Reliable Wireless Patient Monitoring
- Integrated Lithium Niobate Mach-Zehnder Interferometers for Advanced Modulation Formats
- Rectangular QPSK for Generation of Optical 8PSK
- Synthesis of 16 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation Using Polarization-Multiplexing QPSK Modulator
- Activities on Satellite Communications R&D at National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
- Optimum Threshold for Indoor UWB ToA-Based Ranging
- Performance Evaluation of Wireless Communications for Capsule Endoscopy
- A resource allocation algorithm for WLAN and WRAN system coexistence in TVWS
- Integrated Reciprocating Optical Modulator for Optical High-Order Sideband Generation
- Overview of the Superconducting Submillimeter-Wave Limb-Emission Sounder (SMILES) and Sensitivity to Chlorine Monoxide, ClO