National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology | 論文
- Structural Analysis of Fluorine-Free Oxypnictide Superconductor NdFeAsO_ by Electron Diffraction Analysis and Electron Microscopy
- Abnormal Magnetoresistance on Non-superconducting NdFeAsO_
- ^As NMR Study of the Ternary Iron Arsenide BaFe_2As_2(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- ^As-NQR/NMR Studies on Oxygen-Deficient Iron-Based Oxypnictide Superconductors LaFeAsO_ (y=0, 0.25, 0.4) and NdFeAsO_(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- 22pYA-2 Superconductivity at 43K in an iron-based layered compound La_Y_xFeAsO_y at ambient pressure
- Synthesis of Highly Ordered Hybrid Mesoporous Material Containing Etenylene (-CH=CH-) within the Silicate Framework
- 可放電リチウム電池用 LiCoPO_4 正極の充放電機構
- 電気めっき法により作製したスズ-鉄合金めっき負極を用いた次世代リチウム二次電池
- TVT手術における至適入院日数の検討(日帰り手術は可能か)
- Micro Gas Preconcentrator Made of a Film of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
- A novel membrane-anchored cytochrome c-550 of alkaliphilic Bacillus clarkii K24-1U: expression, molecular features and properties of redox potential
- Design and Construction of a New Reversed Field Pinch Device with a Very Small Aspect Ratio (A〜2)
- 30pYJ-4 TPE-RX 逆磁場ピンチにおける中性粒子ビーム入射実験
- 29pC20P 低アスペクト比RFP装置の設計と製作(2)(FRC・RFP等)
- 29pC19P RFP実験のための高輝度NBI(FRC・RFP等)
- 29pC18P 逆磁場ピンチプラズマにおける中性粒子ビーム入射実験(FRC・RFP等)
- 29pC15P RFPプラズマにおけるロック現象の解析(FRC・RFP等)
- 29pA01 逆転磁場ピンチプラズマにおける磁場揺動解析(ミラー/FRC他)
- 29pA39P 低アスペクト比RFPの物理と装置設計(加熱/炉設計)
- 29pA36P TPE-2MR装置によるRFP生成の実験(加熱/炉設計)