National Institute For Metals Science | 論文
- Effect of Shear Deformation on Microstructural Evolution of Ni-30Fe Alloy during Hot Deformation
- Effect of Initial Grain Orientation on Evolution of Deformed Microstructure in Hot Compressed Ni-30Fe Alloy
- Serration of Grain Boundary in Ni-30Fe Alloy through High Temperature Deformation
- Dynamic Restoration Process of Ni-30Fe alloy during Hot Deformation
- 温間多方向加工によって形成される微細フェライト粒組織
- Effect of Shear Deformation of Development of Fine-grained Ferrite Structures
- Microstructural Design through Multi-Direction Deformation
- Dynamic Restoration Process of Ni-30Fe Alloy during Hot Deformation
- A New Evaluation Method of Hydrogen Embrittlement Fracture for High Strength Steel by Local Approach
- Evaluation of hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility for high strength steels with Local Approach by considering hydrogen distribution : Examination for estimation of delayed fracture properties-11
- Ultrafine Grain Structure through Dynamic Recrystallization for Type 304 Stainless Steel
- Delamination Toughening of Ultrafine Grain Structure Steels Processed through Tempforming at Elevated Temperatures
- Distributions of Hardness and Strain during Compression in Pure Aluminum Processed with Equal-Channel Angular Pressing and Subsequent Annealing
- Recrystallization and Grain Growth Behavior in Severe Cold-rolling Deformed SUS316L Steel under Anisothermal Annealing Condition
- Crystallographic Texture of Warm Caliber-rolled Low Carbon Steel
- Analysis of Buckling and Interfacial Debonding of Galvannealed Coating Layer on Steel Substrates under Applied Tensile Strain
- Effect of Shear Strain on the Microstructural Evolution of a Low Carbon Steel during Warm Deformation