National Inst. Infectious Diseases Tokyo | 論文
- A survey on the risk factors for the prevalence of dental caries among preschool children in Japan
- Distinct expression of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus-encoded proteins in Kaposi's sarcoma and multicentric Castleman's disease
- Prediction of smallpox outbreak and evaluation of control-measure policy in Japan, using a mathematical model
- Does Epidural Analgesia Prolong Labor When Electively Induced?
- Elective Induction of Labor at 39 Weeks of Gestation : A Prospective Randomized Trial
- Development of a pUC19-based recombinant plasmid to serve as a positive control in PCR for Orientia tsutsugamushi
- Evaluation of Viroseq-HIV Version 2 for HIV Drug Resistance
- Presence of a novel Ehrlichia sp. in Ixodes granulatus found in Okinawa, Japan
- Prevalence and Carrier Status of Leptospirosis in Smallholder Dairy Cattle and Peridomestic Rodents in Kandy, Sri Lanka
- Mice are Not Susceptible to Hepatitis E Virus Infection(Virology)
- Biodistribution of a Low Dose of Intravenously Administered AAV-2, 10, and 11 Vectors to Cynomolgus Monkeys
- Discordant Movement of CD4-Positive T-Cell Count in HIV-1 Infected Patients with HAART Failure
- Plaque formation by Japanese encephalitis virus bound to mosquito C6/36 cells after low pH exposure on the cell surface
- Evaluation of the School Health Surveillance System for Influenza, Tokyo, 1999-2000
- Evaluation of a Sentinel Surveillance System for Influenza, 1995-2000, Kyoto City, Japan
- Detection of Sapovirus in oysters
- Morphology and infectivity of virus that persistently caused infection in an AGS cell line
- Uptake dynamics of scrapie agent in the intestinal villous epithelium of suckling and weanling Syrian hamsters
- Molecular Characterization of Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium Isolated from Human, Food, and Animal Sources in Malaysia