National Agriculture Res. Center Tsukuba Jpn | 論文
- ハダカデバネズミとジャワマメジカの脆弱な腹壁に関する三次元画像解析
- Sex Differences in the Telencephalic Song Control Circuitry in Bengalese Finches(Lonchura striata var. domestica)(Behavior Biology)
- Effect of Tracheosyringeal Nerve Section on Sexually Dimorphic Distance Calls in Bengalese Finches (Lonchura striata var. domestica)
- Localization of the Cytochrome P450 Side-Chain Cleavage Enzyme in the Inactive Testis of the Naked Mole-Rat
- Male Zebra Finches and Bengalese Finches Emit Directed Songs to the Video Images of Conspecific Females Projected onto a TFT Display(Behavior Biology)
- 鳴禽類における歌の複雑さの性淘汰と脳構造の変化
- Evolution of Vocal Communication in Birds: Environmental Adaptation and Sexual Selection
- Acoustical and Syntactical Comparisons between Songs of the White-backed Munia (Lonchura striata) and Its Domesticated Strain, the Bengalese Finch (Lonchura striata var. domestica)(Biochemistry)
- 鳴鳥類の音声発達 : 神経回路網理論をアナロジーとした分析
- 千葉大学文学部認知情報科学講座神経行動学研究室
- 28a-GB-1 Measurement of Lorentz Angle of Xe Gas Drift Chamber