Nasa Johnson Space Center | 論文
- 「はやぶさ」宇宙探査機による小惑星イトカワの最近接画像と大型隕石との比較
- マイクロトモグラフィーによる惑星間塵の3次元観察
- 地球生態系危機への建設的対処法
- Measurements of LET Distribution and Dose Equivalent onboard the Space Shuttle IML-2 (STS-65) and S/MM#4 (STS-79)
- Radiation Dosimetry Measurements with Real Time Radiation Monitoring Device (RRMD)-II in Space Shuttle STS-79
- Measurements of LET Distribution and Dose Equivalent onboard the Space Shuttle IML-2(STS-65)and S/MM#4(STS-79)
- EBSDによる炭素質コンドライト中の新鉱物(andreyivanovite と dmitryivanovite)同定と形成環境について
- Induction of Chromatin Damage and Distribution of Isochromatid Breaks in Human Fibroblast Cells Exposed to Heavy Ions
- Chromosome Aberrations Induced by High-LET Radiations
- Distribution of Heavy Ion-Induced G2 Chromatin Damage and Repair in Human Fibroblast Cells
- Temperature and oxygen fugacity constraints on CK and R chondrites and implications for water and oxidation in the early solar system
- Preliminary report on the Yamato-86032 lunar meteorite: I. Recovery, sample descriptions, mineralogy and petrography
- Closing in on HED meteorite sources
- The MUSES-C mission profile and the first MASPET competition procedure summary
- New petrographic and trace element data on thermally metamorphosed carbonaceous chondrites
- Trace element distributions in Yamato-793605, a chip off the "martian lherzolite" block
- Organ/Tissue Doses Measured in the Shuttle/Mir Mission-9 (STS-91).
- Petrography, mineralogy and trace element chemistry of Yamato-86029, Yamato-793321 and Lewis Cliff 85332: Aqueous alteration and heating events
- Lithic components in the paired howardites EET 87503 and EET 87513: Characterization of the regolith of 4 Vesta
- Model Predictions and Visualization of the Particle Flux on the Surface of Mars