Nagoya Univ. Nagoya‐shi Jpn | 論文
- Submicron Patterning Technique for YBa_2Cu_3O_y Films Using Focused Ion Beam Lithography
- High-Quality Nb/AlO_x-Al/Nb Josephson Junctions with Gap Voltage of 2.95 mV
- ゴール満足度行列を用いたゴールグラフ評価方法 (知能ソフトウェア工学)
- Urinary nuclear matrix protein 22 as a new marker for the screening of urothelial cancer in patients with microscopic hematuria
- アクタの相互作用に基づく要求抽出の完全性確認手法
- Ultra-Short Pulse Generators Using Resonant Tunneling Diodes and Their Integration with Antennas on Ceramic Substrates
- Ultrasonic trans-femur tomography
- A Method of Sequential Circuit Synthesis Using One-Hot Encoding for Single-Flux-Quantum Digital Circuits(Superconducting Electronics)
- Logic Synthesis Method for Dual-Rail RSFQ Digital Circuits Using Root-Shared Binary Decision Diagrams(VLSI Design Technology and CAD)
- ビジネス・インテリジェンス・システムにおける情報要求の抽出手法
- Effects of Substrate Materials on Properties of Superconducting Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_8 Epitaxial Thin Films
- Millimeter Wave Mixing Properties of EuBa_2Cu_3O_ Bicrystal Grain Boundary Junction Arrays
- Characteristics of High-T_c Superconducting Flux Flow Transistors
- Improved Morphology and Surface Resistance of EuBa_2Cu_3O_ Thin Films on MgO Substrates Obtained by Intermittent Magnetron Sputter Deposition
- Smooth and Precipitate-Free Surface of in situ Superconducting Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_y Epitaxial Thin Films Grown on LaSrGaO_4 Substrate
- In Situ Epitaxial Growth of Superconducting Bi_2Sr_2Ca_Cu_nO_y (n=1, 2) Thin Films by Two-Target Magnetron Sputtering under High Pressure
- CENSREC-1-C : An evaluation framework for voice activity detection under noisy environments
- Statistical Mechanical Analysis of Fuzzy Clustering Based on Fuzzy Entropy(Computation and Computational Models)
- Electronic Structure of Superconducting and Non-superconducting Pr_2Ba_4Cu_7O_ Revealed by Photoemission Spectroscopy(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Driver Identification Using Driving Behavior Signals(Human-computer Interaction)