- Novel Downlink Beamforming Method Using Selective STBC with Common Eigenvectors for MIMO-OFDM Systems(Wireless Communication Technologies)
- Advantage of the ESPRIT Method in Polarimetric Interferometry for Forest Analysis (Sensing)
- Polarimetric Characteristics of Forest at Coherent Decomposition in Polarimetric SAR Interferometry(Special Issue on New Technologies in Signal Processing for Electromagnetic-wave Sensing and Imaging)
- Free Motion of a Particle in the Quantized Space
- 臨界電流密度分布を考慮したYBCO分割薄膜導体の交流損失特性
- W-14 Problem Based Learning Experiences in Metaverse and the Differences between Students in the US and Japan(International Session-II)
- Alignments of Nematic Liquid Crystal Molecules on Azo-Dye-Containing Alternate Self-Assembled Films Investigated Using Attenuated Total Reflection Method
- Photo-Induced In-Plane Alignments of Nematic Liquid Crystal Molecules on Azo-Dye Containing Alternate Self-Assembled Films Investigated Using Attenuated Total Reflection Method
- Evaluation of Tilt Angles of Nematic Liquid Crystal Molecules on Polyimide Langmuir-Blodgett Films using the Attenuated Total Reflection Measurement Method
- 溶融炭酸塩によるSUS 316Lステンレス鋼の高温腐食 : アルカリ土類炭酸塩の添加効果
- 高温超伝導薄膜導体を平面配置した並列集合導体の交流損失測定法の数値実験
- 高温超電導並列導体における交流通電損失評価法および特性の検討
- 間接境界要素法を用いた円形スリット状共鳴器の数値解析
- Preface(Econophysics-Physical Approach to Social and Economic Phenomena-)
- P1-43 Change in vital age due to the three-month health enhancement project(The Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology)
- 1Q02 Development of a simplified prediction equation of visceral fat area
- Test-Bed Based Research on Ad Hoc Networks in Japan(Advances in Ad Hoc Mobile Communications and Networking)
- Observation of f'_2 (1525) Production in High Q^2 Two Photon Interactions at TRISTAN
- New Robust Beamforming Method for Frequency Offsets in Uplink Multiuser OFDM-MIMO(Smart Antennas,2006 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation)
- New Downlink Beamforming Method for Cooperative Multiple Access Point Systems(Smart Antennas,2006 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation)