- Energy Spectra of Prompt Gamma Rays from Al and Fe Thick Targets Irradiated by Helium and Proton Beams : Concerning Planetary Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy(Nuclear Physics)
- Stable High-Brightness Electron Beam System with a Photocathode RF Gun for Short Pulse X-Ray Generation by Thomson Scattering
- Two Dimensional Rotational Temperature Measurement by Multiline Laser Induced Fluorescence of Nitric Oxide in Combustion Flame
- Study of π^+π^- Pair Production in a Two-Photon Process at TRISTAN : VENUS Collaboration
- New Limits on Neutral Scalar Bosons
- Measurement of the Reactions e^+e^-→e^+e^- and e^+e^-→γγ at √=52 GeV
- Search for the Top Quark in e^+e^- Annihilation at √=50 GeV:The First Result from the VENUS Detector at TRISTAN
- X-Ray K-Edge Subtraction Television System : Other Areas in Science and Engineering
- Time Variation of the Cosmic Ray Muon Flux in Underground Detectors and Correlation with Atmospheric Temperature
- Atmospheric Neutrino Background and Pion Nuclear Effect for KAMIOKA Nucleon Decay Experiment
- Search for Nucleon Decays into Anti-Neutrino+Mesons
- Measurement of the Polarization of 〓^0 Hyperons Produced Inclusively by 12-GeV Protons on Tungsten
- Search for Nucleon Decays Catalyzed by Magnetic Monopoles
- Search for Nucleon Decay into Charged Lepton+Mesons
- Covariant String Field Theory on Z_2-Orbifold : Particles and Fields
- Construction and Performance of a Large-Aperture Wire-Chamber Spectrometer for Pion Scattering Experiments at KEK
- Magnetic Compton Profiles of Ferromagnetic Intermetallic Compound MnSb
- Skyrme Interaction with Attractive Pairing Property without Density Dependent Force
- Fusion Reaction of Halo Nuclei : Proton Halo versus Neutron Halo
- Antiproton-nucleon Annihilation into π^oM and ηM with M=η, ω, ρ, and πin Antiproton-deuterium Annihilation at Rest : Elementary Particles and Fields