NAIG Nuclear Research Laboratory, Nippon Atomic Industry Group Co., Ltd. | 論文
- Thermal Hydraulic Behavior in Upper Plenum during Refill-Reflood Phase of BWR LOCA, (II) : Characteristics of Residual Two-Phase Pool in Upper Plenum
- Calculation of gamma-ray production cross sections at neutron energies of 1-20 MeV.
- Extension of fission product model for use in lattice calculation of thorium fueled BWR.
- Two-phase flow phenomena in broken recirculation line of BWR.
- Centrifugal pump behavior in steady and transient two-phase flow.
- Method of measuring boron-10 depletion in control blade.
- Measurement and analysis of neutron emission rate for irradiated BWR fuel.
- Systematics and determination of level density parameters of fission product nuclei.
- Calculation of neutron albedos for slab with invariant imbedding method.
- Development of Sn-AMC-AMC coupling technique and its application to analysis of neutron streaming data of "JOYO"
- Energy-space dependent error propagation in Monte Carlo coupling calculation.
- Evaluation of neutron cross section of 27 fission product nuclides important for fast reactor.
- Development of albedo-Sn transport method to analyze radiation shielding problem.
- Applicability of albedo-Sn transport method to analysis of radiation shielding problem.
- Boiling water reactor loss-of-coolant tests with two bundle loop. Examination of conservativeness for licensing analysis models using large break test data.:Examination of Conservativeness for Licensing Analysis Models Using Large Break Test Data
- Application of Temperature Fluctuation to Anomaly Detection in Fuel Assemblies
- Application of galerkin method to hydraulic analysis for turbulent fluid flow around LMFBR fuel rod.
- Fuel pin and subassembly heterogeneity effect on neutronics properties of fast power reactor.
- Investigation on space dependence of C/E values for control rod worths and reaction rate distributions in ZPPR-10A and -10D assemblies.
- Method of Monitoring System State by State Space Trajectory Pattern