Mathematical Institute Tohoku University | 論文
- Eigenvalue Asymptotics of Schrodinger Operators with Only Discrete Spectrum
- On the asymptotic behavior of incompressible viscous fluid motions past bodies
- Bounded projections onto holomorphic Hardy spaces on planar domains
- The functor of a toric variety with enough invariant effective Cartier divisors
- Propagation of the analyticity for the solution to the Euler equations with non-decaying initial velocity (Harmonic Analysis and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations)
- Convergence of Alexandrov spaces and spectrum of Laplacian
- Harmonic inner automorphisms of compact connected semisimple Lie groups
- Some prehomogeneous representations defined by cubic forms
- L^p-independence of spectral bounds of Schrodinger-type operators with non-local potentials
- Hypoellipticity of second order differential operators with sign-changing principal symbols
- Solutions ramifiees des problemes de Cauchy caracteristiques et fonctions hypergeometriques a deux variables
- A group-theoretic characterization of the space obtained by omitting the coordinate hyperplanes from the complex Euclidean space, II
- The structure of norm-achieved Toeplitz and Hankel operators
- Hironaka's Additive Group Scheme,II
- Harmonic Function Spaces of Probability Measures on Fusion Algebras
- Asymptotics of Heavy Molecules in High Magnetic Fields
- Model-theoretic studies on subsystems of second order arithmetic
- Dispersive effect of the Coriolis force for the Navier-Stokes equations in the rotational framework (Harmonic Analysis and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations)
- A classification of Q-curves with complex multiplication
- The Thermodynamic Limit of the Magnetic Thomas-Fermi Energy