Massachusetts General Hospital | 論文
- Vascular Injury in Elective Anterior Lumbosacral Surgery
- PS-167-4 大腸癌におけるKRASを介したVEGFの低酸素誘導機構(PS-167 ポスターセッション(167)大腸:基礎-5,第111回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- 1 Optical methods for determining structure, composition and biomechanical properties of atherosclerotic plaques(Beyond Conventional Signal Analysis,Topic 5 (TP5) (I),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Evaluation of Case Reports of Aplastic Anemia Among Patients Treated with Felbamate
- Monocationic radiotracer kinetics and myocardial infarct size : a perfused rat heart study
- Inhaled Nitric Oxide : Update 2007
- マンモグラフィ導入検診は有効か
- Physiological stress increases renal injury in eNOS-knockout mice
- IS-1-3 Pancreatic cancer : Debates on treatment in the U.S.(Update of pancreas cancer treatment: Difference between three continents-Japan, US, and Europe,International Symposium)
- Going to Extremes : Adventures of an Academic Anesthesiologist