Low Level Radioactivity Laboratory, K-INET, Kanazawa University | 論文
- Plutonium and Uranium in Human Bones from Areas surrounding the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site
- International Intercomparison of Retrospective Luminescence Dosimetry Method : Sampling and Distribution of the Brick Samples from Dolon' Village, Kazakhstan
- External Doses of Residents near Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site
- Around Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site : Progress of dose Estimations Relevant to the Consequences of Nuclear Tests : A summary of 3^ Dosimetry Workshop on the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site Area, RIRBM, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, 9-11 of March
- A gradient of radioactive contamination in Dolon village near the SNTS and comparison of computed dose values with instrumental estimates for the 29 August, 1949 nuclear test
- External Radiation in Dolon Village Due to Local Fallout from the First USSR Atomic Bomb Test in 1949
- Width and Center-axis Location of the Radioactive Plume That Passed Over Dolon and Nearby Villages on the Occasion of the First USSR A-bomb Test in 1949
- Studies of Forested Ecosystem by useing Natural Radionuclides Pb-210 and Be-7
- Current Situation of Residual Radioactivity at the Former Soviet Union's Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site
- Application of ICP-MS on Analysis of Water Quality in Zerafshan River
- Evaluation of Geoecological Status and Anthropogenic Impact on the Central Kyzylkum Desert (Uzbekistan)
- Activation of Soil and Chemical Reagents Exposed to the Neutrons Released by the JCO Criticality Accident in Tokai-mura
- Anomalous Uranium in Soil Samples from the JCO Criticality Accident Site
- Intake levels of Pb-210 and PO-210 through daily diet.
- Measurements of U-238 and Th-232 concentrations in Phosphatc rocks from Tanzania.
- Highly Time-Resolved Measurements of Airborne Radionuclides by Extremely Low Background γ-ray Spectrometry : Their Variations by Typical Meteorological Events
- High Resolution Measurements of Temporal Variations of Airborne ^Po, ^Pb, and ^7Be at Ishikawa Prefecture, Facing the Sea of Japan
- Some Applications of the Gold Activation by Environmental Neutrons
- Variation of Environmental Neutron Flux with the Depth of Water and Soil