Lake Biwa Environmental Research Institute | 論文
- Sensitivity Analysis on Lake Biwa under the A1B SRES climate change scenario using Biwa-3D Integrated Assessment Model: : part I – projection of lake temperature
- Dissolved organic carbon and fluorescence in Lake Hovsgol : factors reducing humic content of the lake water
- A new autonomous underwater vehicle designed for lake environment monitoring
- Effect of nutrient availability on the C, N, and P elemental ratios in the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa
- Accumulation and depuration of microcystin produced by the cyanobacterium Microcystis in a freshwater snail
- Dominance of Microcystis with Special Reference to Carbon Availability in Lake Water
- Transport and accumulation of bloom-forming cyanobacteria in a large, mid-latitude lake : the gyre-Microcystis hypothesis
- Fatty acid composition as an indicator of physiological condition of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa
- Annual cycle of circulations in Lake Biwa, part 2 : mechanisms
- Annual cycle of circulations in Lake Biwa, part 1 : model validation
- Fluorescence spectroscopic characterization of dissolved organic matter in the waters of Lake Fuxian and adjacent rivers in Yunnan, China
- Effect of cyanobacterial blooms on thermal stratification
- Effects of seston on ultraviolet attenuation in Lake Biwa
- Winter anoxic layer in Lake Hibara
- Seasonal change of lake sediments and sedimentation processes with climatic changes in Lake Biwa(Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Meeting of the Union in June 2006 at Mongolia)
- Estimation of Vertical Mixing Based on Water Current Monitoring in the Hypolimnion of Lake Biwa(Environmental Flows)
- Release of phosphorus from sediments in Lake Biwa
- Image analysis as a tool for quantitative phycology: a computational approach to cyanobacterial taxa identification
- Seeking wisdom in limnology